Lin Shao Fa 林昭發

Lin Shao Fa was born in 1966 in Pu Li Town, a Buddhist town in Nan Tou County of Taiwan. Since he was young Lin has been in touch with Buddhism as a young age. He loves its spirit and teachings, and has always been attracted to the kind and solemn face of the Bodhisattva. As he admired the beauty of Buddhist sculptures and tried to understand the thinking of Buddhism, he developed an interest in carving. He collected local stones and planned out the lines in his mind. He created a series of Bodhisattva images which show the tranquility of their mind, the solemnity of their faces and the gracefulness of their postures.

He has also created a series of children to recall the long lost memories of childhood. The little monks’ series are delightful reminiscences of the childhood, while the child-faced Buddha series are both innocent and sweet.

Lin’s work are admired by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, including those who are not naturally drawn to Buddhism and its sculptures. With a simple heart and dedication for his work, Lin Shao Fa has the gift which enables him to create and share beauty and peacefulness with others.


