Wang Xiao Peng 王曉鵬

Wang Xiao Peng was born in 1958 in Guangxi. He graduated from the Fine Art Department of Guangxi Arts Institute in 1982 and studied Human Anatomy for Art at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing at 1990. He completed his master degree at Guangxi Arts Iinstitute at 2004. Wang is a professor in Guangxi Arts Institute and a visiting professor at Beijing Foreign Arts Institute. He is a member of Guangxi Artists Association.

Wang has participated in many exhibitions local and aboard. His 2004 Grudation work “In Memory of Gongjin”has been exhibited in the Museum of Guangxi Arts Institute. He was invited to exhibit at the 2010 and 2011 Salon of Louvre in Paris. His painting “Chinese Girl” has gained him a “Special Award” from the French Artists Association, His works are widely collected by local and overseas art lovers.


王曉鵬層參加多個中外展覽;其 2004年畢業展作品《遙想公瑾》在廣西藝術學院美術館展出;2010年參加法國盧浮宮沙龍展,國畫《中國女孩》獲法國政府美術家協會頒發的特別獎;2011年作品《狀態系列》入選法國盧浮宮沙龍展; 2011年11月至2012年2月,個展《從“扭曲”到“修正”》在北京798藝術區展出。他的作品廣備中外愛畫人仕收藏。