Lena Karpinsky

Lena Karpinsky is a contemporary Canadian artist who was born in Moscow in 1961 and migrated to Canada in 2000. Her late grandfather, Ilya Klyachko, was a gifted musician and a professor of Piano faculty of Moscow Conservatory. Growing up in a divine atmosphere of classical music and being so impressed with the reminiscences of music and roses in her childhood, Lena works primarily in acrylic on canvas with music and flowers as her main focuses. Her strong sense of color is evident in all her artworks. Since autumn is her favorite season, her paintings are full of warm autumn palettes.

Lena’s works could be found in private and corporate collections all over the world. Lena’s music paintings are highly appreciated by leading musicians of Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Long Beach Symphony Orchestra, and Pittsburgh Opera, and many other classical and jazz musicians, including the popular Canadian guitarist Steven Segal.

Lena Karpinsky 是加拿大當代畫家,1961年在莫斯科市一個音樂世家出生,2000年移民至加拿大。她的祖父 Ilya Klyachko 是前蘇聯著名音樂家及莫斯科音樂學院教授。Lena從小接受音樂薰染,音樂成了她生命及成長的一個重要元素。音樂及花卉是Lena 最嚮往的童年回憶,亦成為她作品的兩個重要題材。Lena 對顏色的敏銳觸覺充份顯示在她的品中,由於秋天是Lena 最喜歡的季節,她的大部份作品都洋溢著温暖的秋天色系。

Lena 的作品被很多個人及企業收藏;她的音樂系列作品深受多倫多交響樂團、美國長島交響樂團及匹茲堡歌劇院的音樂家及爵士樂手欣賞並廣為收藏。