Li Fang Lin 李方霖

Li Fang Lin was born in 1943 at Sichuan Province and graduated from Sichuan Institute of Art in 1963. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association and a famous country artist in China.

Li’s works send forth a unique native spirit. His tranquil and natural style gives his works a touch of simplicity and peacefulness. He has participated in many  provincial and national art exhibitions. He was invited by the Chinese Museum to hold “The Local Flavor Oil Painting Exhibition of Li Fanglin” in 1990. The exhibition was well received and reported. His paintings “Small Town on Slabstone Beach” and “Path at the Hill Foot” were in the collection of China National Museum. In 1993, “Crushed Stone Worker” was awarded an excellent prize at the 1993 Boya Oil Painting Contest. In 1995, “At the Harvest” was shown at China Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition in Beijing, and granted the second prize. Many of his works were collected by overseas collectors.


李方霖的作品散發著濃厚的鄉土氣息,和平、自然的畫風,完美地展示了純樸、親切的大地風情。作品曾多次參加四川及全國性美術作品展覽。 1990年應中國首都博物館邀請,舉辦了《李方霖鄉情油畫展》,深受好評。作品《石板灘小鎮》及《山下的路》由中國首都博物館收藏。廣為傳媒報導,中央電視臺、北京電視臺亦作了報導和評介。1993年油畫《碎石工》在博雅油畫大賽中獲優秀作品獎。1995年油畫《收獲的季節》參加在北京舉辦的中國風景油畫展獲二等獎。多幅作品被海外收藏家收藏。