Liao Lin Sen 廖林森

Liao Lin Sen was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu in 1948. A graduate from the Guangxi Guilin Technical and Arts School in 1968, he is a member of the Guangxi Branch of the China Artists Association, and the Vice President of the Guilin Chinese Painting Research Society.

Unlike the sparse style of traditional Ink and Brush paintings, Liao’s works are rich in content. He achieves high levels of detail by using dots and lines in the foreground, portraying the vitality of minority villages. In the background is moving clouds and tumbling waterfalls among layers of mountains. His works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and the USA. In 1993, he was funded by the Taiwan education authority to publish the “Road Show of Chinese Paintings by Liao Lin Sen”.


廖林森的作品畫面豐富,與傳统山水畫的虛實相對大相逕庭。他的技法以細膩見稱,以點線交織近景,色彩明麗,畫面細緻生動,體現少數民族的生活風情;而遠景則山巒層疊,流雲飛瀑穿插其間,水墨淋漓,盡顯山水雄壯宏大的氣勢,把詩情寄在畫意之中。廖林森的作品曾先後在香港、澳門、臺灣、日本、韓國、美國等地展出。他於1989 – 1993年間曾先後四次應邀赴臺灣舉辦個展及文化交流活動;於1993年獲臺灣教育廳撥專款由苗栗縣文化中心出版《廖林森國畫巡迴展》專輯。